I suppose the first task is to take Dorothy to the weigh bridge at Loughbrickland and get a weight when fully empty.
Then it's a case of finding a home for all our bits and pieces. If I can remember I intend to record everything with my camera.
our hand over appointment at Camper NI was for 16:00 hrs on Monday the 3rd March 2025. Needless to say I didn't sleep much on Sunday night, I was like the excitement of Christmas eve as a child.
The hand over went well and Andy did a great job of explaining everything. Very nervously I drove Dorothy home. During the handover we discovered that Dorothy had a single bed, that could be configured at the table. Not a Childs bed but a full size adult bed. This will come in handy during really high temperatures, like the ones we had last year.
It was only later on Monday night that I discovered that the bed was not going fully down at one end. I observed that It was fouling the newly fitted 240v socket coming from the inverter.
I emailed Greg and an appointment was made for 14:00hrs the following day to have it altered. Andy did a lovely job of recessing the socket further and all was now working as it should.
It is a long time from I drove and automatic but it's not long before it becomes second nature again.
The van drives lovely and the 180hp engine has loads of power when needed.
On Tuesday night, we forgot all about taking the empty Dorothy to the weigh bridge and started taking stuff out trying to find new homes for all our bits and pieces.